Starting a business is no easy feat. It requires countless hours of work, strategy, and determination. Once you’re ready to put your business in motion you may feel overwhelmed with how to market it. While there are many creative ways to market your business, there are a few low-cost methods that have proven to be effective.
Even if your marketing budget is not very high, you can get started on building your reputation and putting your business out in the world with these three almost free methods.
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Social Media
Everyone is on social media scrolling through some kind of news feed every day. Start building your business’s digital footprint with social media and connect with your audience in a more personal manner. At the core, having social media accounts for your business is free, so there is no excuse not to have some!
Social media allows you to represent your business’s brand by posting valuable content for your audience, which they can then share and spread to their network. It also allows you to create a more personal relationship with your audience by engaging and interacting with your followers.
While social media can be time-consuming, there are programs and services that you can pay for that allow you to schedule your posts. You can take advantage of social media advertising as well.
Car Wraps
Car wraps are an extremely effective way to market your business, especially if you serve local residents. By driving around your area with an eye-catching design on the side of your car, you can draw a lot of attention from other people on the road. Imagine just how many hundreds of people you can reach just by driving around town or parking in a busy parking lot.
The key to great car wraps is to have a memorable design that people will be sure to notice when they see your car on the road. Never underestimate the power of good design.
This method of advertising has great ROI thanks to the one-time upfront cost of having the car wrap applied and designed. After that, you just have to drive around and wait for calls to come in.
Word of mouth is by far one of the best ways to market your business. If a friend recommends something to you, aren’t you more inclined to try it out? When you’re first starting your business, attend networking events in your area. Talk to as many people as possible about your business and what type of services you provide in a way that they will remember you.
Make sure to have plenty of business cards on hand everywhere you go. You’ll want to give these out like candy on Halloween! The more business cards you hand out means more people have your information on hand.
You may feel stuck when you do not have a substantial marketing budget for your business. Luckily there are a few methods that are low cost and proven to be effective that you can take advantage of to get started.