An instant loan can be an incredibly useful option in situations where you need money fast, offering a convenient way to pay off emergencies or any other urgent expenses that arise. However, like any other kind of loan, using them can be intimidating at the best of times and potentially risky at worst.
Of course, as with all loans, there is not just one option available. Hundreds of UK-based loan companies exist, and each offers its own services and loan types, meaning that it is important to consider your options before you jump into a brand-new loan.
Options for Using a Bridge Loan
Typically, there are two primary ways to utilize a bridge loan. It can either serve as a second mortgage or be used to pay off your existing mortgage while contributing to the down payment on your new home.
Between properties: If you have found a new property to purchase before selling your old one, you will require a short-term loan. This will cover the purchase of the new property and give you time to put the old one on the market.
Business cash flow: If you are in the commercial development space, you might have to take out a short-term bridging loan to cover costs of materials and other building expenses if your cash reserves are running low. This will give you breathing room to finish the project and sell the property upon completion.
What are Instant Loans?
The idea behind instant loans is simple: they are meant to be delivered on the same day they are requested, often for smaller amounts than larger-scale loans. In other words, they are a type of short-term loan that allows the borrower to get money quickly when they need it, usually within the same working day.
This type of loan is perfect for those who need money in a hurry. As you might expect, being able to access emergency funds via a quick and short-notice loan is ideal for getting out of sticky situations or dealing with other unexpected expenses that pop up unexpectedly.
How Do They Work?
As the name suggests, the whole idea behind an instant loan is that the process of applying and getting the loan is as instant and fast as possible, with the lender providing a small amount of cash within a very short space of time.
The process of applying for an instant loan is relatively simple, although it varies based on the exact lender. Typically, you will first need to go through the application form, which will ask you about your personal information and employment status, as well as the exact amount of money you are applying for.
These loans are meant to be as short notice as possible, meaning that the money is delivered within a day. In some cases, the instant loan can be made available almost immediately after it is approved, although others may require a few hours of waiting once the relevant checks and inspections are completed.
It is important to remember that this kind of loan is not the same as a payday loan, despite the similarities in name and function. These are completely different and should not be considered the same thing.
Are they the Best Option for You?
The answer to that question depends entirely on your own financial situation. Instant loans can be risky if you are not prepared for them, but they are a fantastic option in a wide range of situations.
Instant loans are most commonly used for emergencies. If you need a sudden influx of cash in order to deal with something, such as an urgent hospital visit, an instant loan can help to get you the funds you need within a day or so, which is far faster than most other methods.
If you think these instant loans are worth exploring, look closer at providers like to get a better idea of what they can offer. The more you know, the easier it gets to choose the option that suits you best.