Biometrics for remote desktop access is secure authentication software that uses people’s unique physiological or behavioural characteristics to grant or deny access to remote desktop environments.

Biometrics for remote desktop technology has several advantages, such as increased security, convenience, and efficiency in accessing remote resources.

Biometric access devices are easy to use and consist of two parts:

  • Work station;
  • Server.

The workstation is installed on a local computer, and the server is on a remote computer, accessed via RDP or PCoIP.

After installation, both parts need not be configured further. Biometric data is sent automatically every time you log into a remote session, so the software can work as if you were connecting the device directly to the remote party.

Benefits of Biometric Authentication

Using biometric authentication for remote desktops has pros and cons. For now, you will focus on the benefits.

  • Increased security

Biometric authentication provides a higher security level than passwords, PINs, or security tokens. Biometric characteristics are unique to each person and cannot be easily duplicated or stolen, making it extremely difficult for hackers to bypass biometric authentication systems.

  • Convenience

Biometric authentication is more convenient than traditional authentication methods. Users don’t have to remember passwords or carry security tokens. They must provide their biometric information, and the system will verify their identity.

  • Improved user interface

Biometric authentication provides a seamless user experience. It’s fast, simple, and doesn’t require special skills or knowledge, making it ideal for applications that require a high level of security, such as banking, healthcare, and government services.

Disadvantages of Biometric Authentication

As we already mentioned, biometric authentication also has disadvantages.

  • Privacy issues

Biometric authentication systems store sensitive information about people, such as their fingerprints or facial features. Scammers can use it for identity theft or other fraud purposes.

  • False positives

Biometric authentication systems can sometimes misidentify people, leading to false positives. For example, a fingerprint scanner may not recognize a person’s fingerprint if it is dirty or smudged, which can be inconvenient for users.

  • High price

Biometric authentication systems can be expensive to implement and maintain. The hardware and software required for them are costly, and they must be regularly updated and maintained to ensure their effectiveness.

How to choose a device for biometric authentication

Several factors must be considered when choosing the correct device for biometric authentication. The device must meet your security, convenience, and scalability requirements.

Here are some factors you should consider:

  • Biometric authentication devices include fingerprint, facial, voice, palm recognition, iris scanning, and behavioural biometrics such as keystroke dynamics. You should consider which method best suits your security requirements, user preferences, and usage conditions.
  • Consider false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR). High-quality devices can minimize the risk of unauthorized access or, conversely, the exclusion of the relevant user.
  • Enjoy the speed and performance of biometric devices, especially if you need to use them intensively and authentication needs to be fast. Devices must provide fast authentication and verification without sacrificing accuracy.
  • To ensure a positive user experience, consider ease of registration and use. Devices should be intuitive and convenient and not require additional training.
  • Check the compatibility and integration of biometric devices with your existing IT infrastructure, such as your operating systems, authentication and access control systems. Fast integration will make your implementation and management processes easier.
  • Consider the possibility of scaling as your company grows and users increase so you can quickly adapt to changes.
  • Review biometric devices’ security features, such as encryption, tamper detection, anti-counterfeit measures, and secure storage of biometric data. Ensure that devices comply with security standards and regulations to protect sensitive biometric data.
  • Consider lighting conditions, temperature fluctuations, and physical limitations. You need to choose devices designed to work in the conditions you plan to use. Different devices for biometric authentication exist; some can work adequately indoors, and others can work outdoors.
  • Evaluate the cost and profitability of biometric devices, including acquisition costs, installation costs, maintenance fees, and ongoing operating costs. Consider these devices’ return on investment (ROI) and long-term benefits.
  • Verify that biometric authentication devices comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

To choose the suitable device for your company, analyze the above factors, the requirements, and the user experience.