Browsing CategoryUnited States

One World Trade Center in NYC

This past week, I was in NYC for work.  One of my friends who owns Victory Marketing flew me up to help manage JC Penny’s rebranding event.  They hired some high up people from Apple and…

Miami Dad courthouse building

Miami is a new city.  With virtually nothing  older than a 100 years, the rather impressive skyline is punctuated by soaring glass skyscrapers that exude a modern and fast-paced ambiance. But before all the glitz and glam which The Magic City has become known for, Miami was the end of the line, literally.
Miami’s first boom came after […]

Nightlife (pic from Lela Luxe)

The city that never sleeps? Well, who can blame New Yorkers when there are nightclubs to see and be seen in, toe-tapping rhythms escaping from basement bars and breaking indie acts gracing the stage of…

A cheesesteak at Pat's in South Philly

Whenever someone finds out that I’m from Philadelphia, I either get, “I’ve never been there, but I’ve been to Boston, New York and Washington D.C.” (screw you), or, “Phillllyyyy, Pat’s or Geno’s?” (screw you again). …

How to pour a Boddingtons the right way

So I went out for dinner with a couple friends of mine from college last night to one of the only breweries in Miami, Gordon Biersch.  After a couple Hefeweizens we decided to go walk over to…

Cool art at Art Basel Miami 2011

So it’s my favorite time of the year in Miami, the humidity is gone, it’s 75 degrees every day and the sun shines perpetually. The “Winter” event season has begun and I’m straight chillen.
Art Basel Miami Beach has begun, and for the next 4 days, every artist, socialite, hipster, cheapo, wino, student and mutant will […]

Here are some pics from Downtown Philadelphia (known as Center City).  As you can see, I like skyscrapers. Believe it or not, there was actually a “Gentleman’s Agreement” in Philly (up until it was broken…

I love Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday about be being thankful for what you have in life,  minus the fact that Jesus, Allah, God or Shiva had anything to do with it (at least in my…

When I first moved to Miami 5 years ago, I was surprised to learn that there are not 4 seasons like I was used to in Philadelphia.  In fact, the seasons here aren’t determined by…

Last night I went to a free wine tasting event compliments of Bordeaux Wines at a really cool “local’s” spot on South Beach called Bistro 555.  I sent the email invite over to my always…

When growing up and as a young American male, all I wanted to eat were cookies for breakfast (Cookie Crisp cereal satiated that one), so I guess it just makes sense that a young latin…

Well, after making  my monthly trip to the super market (I try to go weekly), I was in the home cleaning aisle looking to stock up on some paper towels when I saw this behemoth. It’s equal to 2.5 rolls…

Once a predominantly working class Puerto Rican neighborhood of Miami (and still largely is), Wynwood is full-speed ahead in the gentrification process with the infiltration of many artists, musicians, entrepreneurs and, of course, everyone’s favorite conforming…