Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) offer wide-ranging healthcare services to patients of all ages. They work with diverse populations and promote and advocate for health equity. Licensed FNPs work in interesting positions where advanced knowledge and skills are required. Learning enables nurses to update and renew their knowledge and skills and enhance evidence-based practice to ensure positive patient outcomes. They can continue to learn by pursuing mentorship, networking, attending lectures and workshops, and studying for postmaster qualifications. A culture of continuous learning and professional development allows nursing staff to improve their skills and further their careers.

How to progress your career 

Registered nurses who wish to progress in their careers can study advanced programs at schools such as Carson Newman University. FNP exams and certification form part of nursing licensure. There are two certification avenues: the FNP-C, suitable for those interested in clinical nursing practice, and the FNP-BC, which is more extensive and covers assessment, diagnosis, clinical management, and professional roles within nursing. The FNP-BC may be more appropriate for those wanting administrative or academic roles. Nurses can consider FNP-C vs FNP-BC and choose depending on their future career goals. 

The career outlook for FNPs

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts positive times for nurse practitioners (NPs). It is believed that the NP role will grow greatly over the next ten years. It is estimated that there will be 40% employment growth for NPs, which is much higher than the average for other occupations. 

FNPs perform physical examinations, run diagnostic tests, develop treatment plans, prescribe medications, treat chronic and acute illnesses, and keep patient records. They work in various healthcare settings, including community health centers, healthcare systems, universities, and private practice. They provide numerous healthcare services, from treating serious illnesses to educating patients on preventative measures. They have a comprehensive understanding of community health and work to improve health equity. They work in rural and underserved communities, promoting good health and advocating for better services. They bring modern medical care, treating patients with preventative care and early-stage intervention. 

There are plenty of professional growth opportunities for FNPs, and we will discuss three of them below.

Acute or urgent care centers

FNPs can work in acute or urgent care centers in fast-paced settings where they diagnose and treat various medical issues. They work in doctor’s offices and private clinics where there are fewer patients than in hospitals, and more time can be spent with patients. They work in various settings within hospitals, treat various conditions, and see diverse patient populations. Skilled nursing facilities typically care for older patients who have left the hospital and need rehabilitative and supportive care before going home or into long-term care. Long-term care facilities can suit nurses who would like to care for the same patient population for longer lengths of time. Working with patients in their illness’s final stages can occur in hospice centers or patients’ homes. There are also FNP positions in prisons, large chain stores, private practice, school or college campuses, health departments, and factories. 

Nurses perform well by continually learning and contributing to their team and organization. Healthcare is constantly evolving, and continuing education helps nurses stay updated on medications, techniques, procedures, and technology developments. It means they keep up with current advancements and ensure they know recent evidence-based best practices. There are many opportunities for professional development in nursing. Nurses can choose activities that relate to their interests and career goals and align with employer expectations. 


FNPs can work with a mentor to enhance their personal and professional growth. Recent graduates can find a mentor through their school or employment. The mentor should be a more experienced member of staff who can share their knowledge and skills with the mentee. The FNP can communicate regularly with their mentor by having face-to-face meetings, video calls, emails, or phone calls. The length of the mentoring and contact frequency can be agreed upon between the two parties. The mentee and mentor decide on short and long-term goals, and the mentee must commit to completing tasks between meetings. Feedback should be positive but constructive and should encourage new knowledge or insights. Healthcare is ever-evolving, and nurses benefit from mentorship support to help further their education and professional development. 

National or local organizations

Nurses can join local or national organizations and network with other nurses. Actively participating can mean developing leadership and advocacy skills. Nurses need leadership skills to improve their practice. They can develop these skills by taking more responsibility and helping to direct team meetings, supporting nursing staff in improving care and organizing and delegating tasks. Nurse advocacy shows that nursing professionals care about their patients and will represent them by improving their care. By advocating for patients, nurses contribute to high standards in the healthcare setting and more patient-centered policies and regulations.

Why FNPs should stay up to date with current knowledge

It is helpful to be up to date on current trends and developments in nursing. Nurses can attend lectures to learn about new advancements in the healthcare field. Workshops can teach contemporary methodologies in nursing and new approaches to caring for and interacting with patients. Participating in research is another way to learn new skills. These activities help nurses stay updated in the field and show a willingness to improve their careers. FNPs can continue to advance their education by studying for post-master certificates and becoming qualified in another population focus or specialty. They can also study for the Doctor of Nursing Practice, leading to more senior positions. 

FNP is a promising career  

FNPs have the knowledge and skills to provide quality healthcare to diverse populations. The wide scope of their practice means they can deliver comprehensive, evidence-based services and create positive health outcomes. They bring modern medical care to rural and underserved populations and do what they can to address health inequity. They continually learn to advance their skills and ensure they are up to date on medical advancements. They learn by having mentors, networking, attending workshops and lectures, and studying for postmaster qualifications. They help improve the health of many and provide a valuable service to their patients and the community.