Animals with the longest lifespans in the world


Compared to our loving pets, we have things pretty good when it comes to the human lifespan. Since the 1950’s, it has been household knowledge that one dog year roughly equates to about 7 human years. Whether this is true or not, the average lifespan of a dog is a mere 10-13 years. Then there are our furry feline friends who despite the popular myth of ‘having 7 lives’ only live to an average of 16-18 years old when domesticated. The oldest recorded cat in the world reached 28 years of age! The oldest living human being in the world…

The 7 Best Bases for Digital Nomads!

Digital Nomads

The location independent landscape that we know is significantly developing as more and more individuals trade in their office jobs each year for remote working opportunities in pursuit of the digital nomad dream or just more time for themselves.  Entrepreneurs and tech-savvy freelancers are popping up all over the globe with significant nomad communities now developing in particularly nomad-friendly locations. It is predicted that by 2030 there will be a whopping 1 billion people working remotely! So what makes a Nomad-Friendly environment? Well first of course is the physical environment, nomads are naturally drawn to beautiful places with strong vibrant…

Experience Mexico’s Most Unique Spirits and Magic Aphrodisiacs with Mexico City’s Top Bartender!

Most people have heard of the internationally popular Mexican alcohols like tequila and Mezcal, but what about Sotol, Pox, or Raicilla? Come experience the diverse world of Mexican spirits, traditional “magic” herbs, and aphrodisiacs that indigenous people here have been enjoying for millennia with Mexico City’s Top Bartender, Khristian de La Torre in an intimate cocktail bar setting. Khristian has owned and managed Mexico City’s top cocktail bars and clubs until he decided open a new, more personal concept, Cafe Tacobar which offers amazing indigenous inspired Mexican Cocktails and Artisan Tacos in the hip Roma Norte neighborhood of Mexico City.…

5 Amazing Beaches in Mexico that You’ve Probably Never Heard of

Mexico is a beautiful country renowned for its fantastic cultures, delicious food, warm people, and some of the best beaches in North America. There is a beach in Mexico for everyone whether it be respite you seek or thumping nightlife, Mexico has a bit of it all. While you’ve probably heard of popular beach destinations in Mexico like Cancun, Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, and Puerto Vallarta, which are all great by the way, there are many more that probably aren’t on our radar which should be. If you want to experience some of Mexico’s most magnificent beaches in more relaxed…

Top Destinations to Visit in 2019

Every year around this time, you start to see lists of the top places to visit, so I thought I’d jump the gun and get mine out asap so you can start thinking about planning your next trip with a little more intrigue. I choose the following places to visit on information based upon my searches on the web, fellow travel blogger friends and places I’ve been to (and ones I want to go as well!). I tried to round out a list wiht a mix of evertyhing, city, sea, and nature to whet the wanderlust of every type of…

Best Neighborhoods in Mexico City – Santa Fe

If you want to see a totally different and perhaps unexpected side to Mexico City, Santa Fe on the western edge of the city is a good place to start.  Thoroughly modern and urban, Santa Fe is dominated by skyscrapers, wide multi-lane highways and high-end shopping and restaurants; more business district than residential space, this part of town feels like a large American city more than any other area of Mexico City.  Because it is a relatively new and business-oriented zone, it doesn’t have many of the features that are typical of other neighborhoods in the city – there are…

Didi in Mexico – The Chinese Ride-Sharing Heads South of The Border

You may have heard of ride-sharing services like Uber and Cabify, but one which you may not have heard about is the Chinese company Didi, a hugely successful ride-sharing company that has been giving their rivals more than a run for their money in recent years within the Asian market and beyond. Ride-sharing services have been immensely popular in Mexico in recent years, giving locals and tourists alike a safe and well-priced option to get from A to B, avoiding local taxis, poor transport links and heavy metro congestion. Since 2015 the Chinese firm have been investing in ride sharing…

5 of The Most Amazing Libraries in The World

For thousands of years, libraries have been the center of almost every developed civilization.  These institutions have protected ancient texts, books, manuscripts and important documents. They have served as a place where people can access  information and a safe space were accumulated knowledge is available to any who wishes to enjoy it. Since the dawn of the Internet, and our ability to put our finger on information in a moment’s notice, many local libraries around the world have been sadly closed down. In spite of this, libraries carry too much importance to disappear entirely, and in many cases they have…

Best Neighborhoods in Mexico City – Santa María la Ribera!

Unlike most of the other neighborhoods profiled in this series, Santa María la Ribera isn’t especially “trendy” or “cool.” While it is considered to be an important architectural and historical neighborhood, it is a bit rough around the edges.  As a result, it tends to be off the beaten path for most tourists or foreigners living in Mexico City who often seek out areas with more fashionable shopping, restaurants and hotels.  While there is much to see, eat and do in this neighborhood, the vibe is quite traditional – Santa María la Ribera feels like a place where people work…

Exploring the beautiful state of Chiapas in Southern Mexico!

Guest post by Josh Cantor One of Mexico’s new trendy travel locales is the South East state of Chiapas.  It is littered with archaeological sites, beautiful landscapes, waterfalls and a very prominent indigenous culture as well.  The problem is that these sites are separated by a few hundred km, making it difficult to get between one and another.  As my wife and I were planning for our trip, we mulled over a few transportation options. We decided to rent a car and I can confidently say that this is both a safe and cost-effective route.  I have outlined below the…

Top Apps and Online Resources For Expats in Mexico

Something which I often talk about on this blog is the importance of saving time time and the tools and strategies I use to do so. Since deciding to base myself in Mexico City and continuing with my digital nomad lifestyle, I have started to use a great deal of phone applications and online resources to really streamline a number of daily tasks in my life. I wanted to share some of the best services which I have found here in Mexico, so that you too can make use of them during your time here. Shopping Mercado Libre Where eBay exists in…

Cornershop: The Time-Saving App That Brings Groceries to Your door in Mexico in only 60 min!

As someone who lives the digital nomad lifestyle, I’m all about efficiency when it comes to how I spend my time and I am always on the lookout for ways in which I can maximize these hours in my day.  As anyone who is living the kind of lifestyle will tell you, time is money and if you don’t work, you don’t earn, it is as simple as that. With this in mind, I have made efforts to minimize the time spent on the minutiae of life (and ones I especially don’t enjoy) and instead focus my efforts on working…

A Weekend in Georgetown, Penang Malaysia: top attractions, eats, and more!

In recent years, Penang has attracted a lot of press for being a foodie mecca and for possessing more than its share of heritage buildings. Working in Kuala Lumpur and looking to take a weekend off in a culturally rich travel destination? Want to reset your Thai visa in a place with attractions that will make the processing time go by fast? Then give Penang a try. This guide will run down the best sights to see, things to do, and places to dine in this world-class destination. Let’s get started below… Where is Penang? Sitting off the coast of…

Riding Across America on a Hog for a Cause!

motorcycle road trip

A Q&A WITH ADAM SANDOVAL of ScootinAmerica Harley-Davidson believes strongly that every American should be able to experience the unparalleled freedom of motorcycle riding, especially those who risk their lives to protect our freedom in the states and abroad. To show its appreciation and support for military personnel all over the country, Harley-Davidson has partnered with ScootinAmerica Founder Adam Sandoval and the Wounded Warrior Project on MISSION: “THANK YOU.” Adam is traveling cross country for the next few months to give away new motorcycles to eight lucky veterans and I got the chance to ask him about his epic ride. Q:…

I Got Featured in Philadelphia Magazine! Check it out:

So for those of you who don’t know, I’m actually from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the US. It’s one of the bigger cities in the country and only a couple hours south of New York if you’ve never heard of it. This past month, I had the opportunity and honor to get interviewed by Philadelphia Magazine for a piece they were doing about digital nomadism. My friend Jason and I had a bit of our stories told from how we went from a couple of kids from Philly to living wherever we want and financial freedom. Check out the article here!  

The Most Endangered Animals on Earth

From climate change to Pacific garbage patch, there is a myriad of problems which threaten our continued existence on Earth. However, framing issues this way is rather shortsighted, as it leaves out a key fact – we aren’t the only beings who call this place home. Many species have been killed off by choices we have made over the ages. Remember the Dodo? Found on Mauritius, it was a flightless bird which had no predators until we arrived on the scene. From 1598, it took less than 100 years for them to be completely wiped out. Turns out a bird…

Best Neighborhoods in Mexico City – San Angel!

best neighborhoods in Mexico City - San Angel

Like Coyoacán, the San Angel (or Ángel in Spanish) neighborhood was an independent and mostly rural village until the mid-20th century, and even today you could easily imagine that you are in a colonial town far from the bustle of Mexico City as you stroll down the cobblestone streets that wind between centuries-old monasteries and grand homes. In fact, both Mexico City and the national government have issued declarations to preserve the unique heritage of San Ángel.  In 1987 the president of Mexico declared the area to be a “Historical Monument Zone;” later, in 2008, it was designated as part…

Best Neighborhoods in Mexico City – Centro Historico!

The historic center of Mexico City, Centro Historico, or just “Centro,” is an area of Mexico City that must be seen to be believed. There is a reason it was the New York Times #1 place to visit in the entire world in 2016. In some ways and in some parts, it has the feel of Europe’s famous capital cities and you could easily imagine that you are in the historic sections of Paris or London as you enjoy a coffee in front of 16th century buildings on a quaint, tucked-away street.  But at the same time, there is no…

Best Neighborhoods in Mexico City – Coyoacán!

Like the other Mexico City neighborhoods I’ve profiled like Roma Norte, Condesa, Polanco and Juarez, Villa Coyoacán (often referred to as the historic center) has a definite personality which makes it stand apart from the rest.  In this case, the vibe is similar to that of Colonia Roma Norte in terms of its quirky and intellectual tendencies blended with the independent character that comes from the area’s history as a village separate from the larger city that now surrounds it. Coyoacán dates back to the early 16th century when it was established as the first capital of New Spain, and…

The Best Neighborhoods in Mexico City – Juarez!

beautiful historic architecture in Mexico City

Like other neighborhoods in transition, Colonia (or neighborhood) Juarez (not to be confused with Ciudad Juarez) has a very diverse personality that is hard to characterize. Juarez is home to the Zona Rosa – the business and cultural hub of Mexico City’s LGBTTI community, and also to “Little Seoul,” the heart of the city’s growing Korean population. The people who live, work and play here represent the broadest cross-section of Mexico City’s population – wealthy and poor, hip and traditional, local and foreigner. Sex shops and high-end hotels can be found within steps of each other, as can pizza joints…