This past week, I was in NYC for work. One of my friends who owns Victory Marketing flew me up to help manage JC Penny’s rebranding event. They hired some high up people from Apple and Target to come in and give the once low-end clothing retailer a new look and feel, and they did a pretty amazing job of portraying that sentiment at the event as well. I felt like I was at an Apple store, Target and a Ted Conference all wrapped into one.
I was staying at the Hotel Indigo in Chelsea for less than $150 a night which is a great deal for the heart of Manhattan. You can often find pretty good deals in New York by doing a little research and of course with a little luck, so if you’re going to stay in the city anytime soon, do your research!
After working a dumbo long day, I stepped out of the event space at Pier 57 and looked to my right and saw something pretty amazing. The rising One World Trade Center glimmering in the sunset. I actually felt a deep sense of pride to be an American, something I don’t usually experience, but it just made me think back 10 years ago when the WTC towers were brought down and how crazy it must have been to be in Manhattan. I think this new skyscraper will do a great job of giving the proverbial middle finger to anyone who thinks twice about trying anything like that again.