If you’re moving from a place where winters often mean snow and ice to somewhere with a hotter climate, it can be an exciting prospect, but it can also bring some anxieties about how to deal with extreme heat.


Warmer weather does offer many benefits. For example, you won’t have to spend as much on heating bills or expensive seasonal clothing like snow boots and insulated coats. You’ll have more opportunities to enjoy activities outdoors throughout the year, and all that sunshine can help raise your vitamin D levels to boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, and build stronger bones. 


Whether you plan to move into one of the houses for rent in Phoenix or buy a place in El Paso, these tips can help make the transition much smoother. 

Revamp Your Wardrobe

Now that you won’t need to bundle up in multiple layers topped with a warm winter coat, it’s time to go through all your clothing. Moving items that will just sit in boxes doesn’t make sense unless it’s temporary, donate or sell them instead. Your wardrobe should include lightweight clothing in breathable materials like cotton that won’t cause you to sweat more in the sweltering heat. Now is probably a good time to get a new bathing suit or two as you’ll probably want to spend more time in the water.


Depending on your specific destination, you’ll still probably need some sweaters, sweatshirts, and a rain jacket as it’s likely to be chilly on winter evenings, and many areas with a warm climate are subject to summer thunderstorms.

Get Your Car Checked Out

Cars need to be prepared to deal with the heat, too, so you’ll want to have yours checked out before you make your move. When moving to a place where temperatures often reach the 90s or even higher, you’ll want to ensure your air-conditioning system is up to par. If air is coming out, but it isn’t cold enough, you might need the filter changed or to add more refrigerant. 


Talk to a mechanic about what you might need to do differently in terms of maintenance before starting your new life as well. Expert advice may help save you from a headache later on down the road.


Time It Right

If you have a choice as to when you’ll move, try to do it during one of the cooler months of the year so that you can adapt to the warmth more gradually. Unless you have professional movers helping for every aspect, you’ll probably have to be moving things inside, and a summer afternoon under the intense rays of the sun is not only uncomfortable but dangerous. 


If you have to move during the hotter part of the year, aim to do it in the early morning hours. Plan to drink plenty of water as staying hydrated is critical when you’re out in the heat. You might pack some cooling foods into a cooler along with that water, such as slices of watermelon or cantaloupe, which contain a high water content. 

Be Aware of the Signs of Heat Exhaustion

As exposure to high temperatures for more than a short time can pose a severe risk to your health, be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion and other heat-related conditions. If you start feeling dizzy, weak, confused, develop a headache, muscle cramps, and/or nausea, it’s essential to get out of the heat and drink plenty of water. If you can, take a cool shower and lie down in an air-conditioned room.