Key Takeaways In ride-sharing accidents, knowing your rights as a passenger is essential to your safety and financial recovery. The assistance of an accident attorney can be beneficial when navigating the complex legal system. Understanding…

Key Takeaways In ride-sharing accidents, knowing your rights as a passenger is essential to your safety and financial recovery. The assistance of an accident attorney can be beneficial when navigating the complex legal system. Understanding…
Enter my exclusive ubereats promo code “eats-jeremya15” to get 100 pesos off of your first meal! Uber eats in Mexico started in Mexico City, but has has been growing by leaps and bounds and is now in…
For English version, click here: UberEats in Mexico City Desde que Uber llego a México, ha ido creciendo a pasos agigantados – la última innovación en el servicio es la llegada de UberEats. Aun no…