Do you have a passion for wildlife and nature? 

If so, making your interests the focus of your next holiday could make for a truly rewarding or even life-changing experience. Whether you’ve just started brainstorming for next year or you’re ready to start the booking process now, we’ve outlined three of the very best destinations for wildlife enthusiasts below.


India is famed for its biodiversity and vibrant culture. 

It’s a haven for an array of wildlife, home to dense jungles in central regions and luscious grasslands in the north. In the west, there are several expansive wetlands, many of which are protected by official conservation programmes. 

The totem of Indian wildlife tourism is the Bengal Tiger, a magnificent big cat with an iconic orange and black striped coat. Adult males can reach up to 260kg!

If you’re lucky, you could spot one in either Ranthambore National Park, in Rajasthan, and Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh. With a guide to help you track these magnificent animals, escorted tours to India could show you the Bengal tiger in the wild.

Kenya and Botswana

More than just two African countries deserve a place on our list, but Kenya and Botswana have to be amongst the best for safaris.

Firstly, Kenya is synonymous with wildlife tours and is the perfect place to try and spot the ‘Big Five’ for the first time. If you’re lucky enough to witness the Great Migration, you could see millions of wildebeests, zebras, antelopes and other herbivores in migration. Of course, there’s also the views of Mount Kilimanjaro to soak in.

As for Botswana, this incredible country suits anyone looking for something different from their safari experience. Whether you stay in a lodge on a Kalahari wildlife reserve or go canoeing on the Okavango Delta, this underrated safari hotspot strictly stands against poaching. 


The vast and varied tropical landscapes in Brazil make it a brilliant destination for keen wildlife enthusiasts. The Amazon rainforest covers much of the country itself, and this unique terrain is a hotspot for diversity.  

A trip to the Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland, means you could get the chance to spot jaguars, giant anteaters, and capybaras. The Atlantic Forest boasts its own unique ecosystem, with species like the maned sloth.

For marine life enthusiasts, the Fernando de Noronha archipelago offers world-class diving opportunities. Whether by boat or on the shores, you could see sea turtles, dolphins, or even humpback whales. If you’re going on an expedition in Brazil, don’t forget to do your research and stay protected against insects. 

Each of these destinations offers exceptional opportunities and close encounters with wildlife, from the iconic safaris of Kenya to the lush rainforests of Brazil. Whether you’re on the lookout for big cats or colourful birds, these three countries offer some of the best wildlife viewing in the world.