This place is one of the three cenotes that are part of the Aerolito Cave system in Chankanaab Park, on the island of Cozumel. Here you will find a great diversity of marine life, such as starfish, barracudas and lobsters. However, it is only suitable for experienced divers, who must be accompanied by a guide.

As you can see, Cozumel’s cenotes have a lot of history and culture. If you are looking for a destination to live a unique experience full of adventure or relaxation, come and discover the natural beauty of Cozumel Island!

How to get to Paraiso Aerolito Cenote?

The Aerolito de Paraiso Cenote is located on the beautiful island of Cozumel, in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Getting to this impressive place is an adventure in itself and there are several options available for travelers.

Arrival by Plane

The fastest and most convenient way to get to Cozumel is by a direct flight to Cozumel International Airport (CZM). From there, you can take a cab or rent a car to reach the cenote, which is approximately a 15-minute drive from the airport.

Arrival by Ferry

If you are in Playa del Carmen, you can take a ferry from the Playa del Carmen pier to Cozumel. Ferries operate regularly and the trip takes about 45 minutes. Once in Cozumel, you can rent a car, take a cab or even a bicycle to get to the cenote.

Why it is a good place to visit?

Cenote Aerolito de Paraíso is known for its singular beauty and tranquil atmosphere. This cenote is unique because it is an open cenote with a connection to the sea, which allows the entrance of salt and fresh water, creating a unique habitat for a diversity of flora and fauna.

The cenote is ideal for snorkeling and diving. The mixture of fresh and salt water creates a diverse ecosystem that is fascinating to explore. Even the most experienced divers will find Cenote Aerolito de Paraíso an exciting place full of surprises.

What to do at Cenote Aerolito de Paraíso?

Visiting Cenote Aerolito de Paraíso offers a variety of activities for all tastes. Whether you prefer adventure, relaxation or just enjoying nature, you’ll find something to do here that you’ll love. Here are some of the most popular activities you can do in this amazing place.


Snorkeling is one of the most recommended activities in the cenote. Thanks to the clear water, you can easily observe the marine life and rock formations below the surface. Be sure to bring your snorkeling gear or rent it from a local store. Don’t forget your mask, snorkel and fins to enjoy this activity to the fullest.


For the more adventurous, diving in the Aerolito de Paraíso Cenote is an unforgettable experience. This cenote is ideal for divers of all levels, from beginners to experts. The crystal clear waters and diverse underwater formations offer a fascinating environment to explore. If you are a certified diver, be sure to bring your equipment or contact one of the local dive schools to arrange a dive.


The natural beauty of Cenote Aerolito de Paraíso makes it an excellent place for photography. Whether you are an amateur or professional photographer, you will find many opportunities to capture stunning images of the flora, fauna and scenery. Be sure to bring your camera and, if possible, a polarizing filter to enhance the quality of your photos.


Of course, one of the easiest and most enjoyable activities is swimming in the cenote. The cool, crystal clear water is perfect for a refreshing swim. There is nothing like diving into the waters of a cenote to relax and enjoy nature. Always remember to follow the safety instructions and respect the natural environment.

Best Restaurants Nearby

La Perlita Restaurant: Located about 10 minutes from the cenote, La Perlita offers an excellent selection of fresh seafood and traditional Mexican dishes. Their ceviche is highly recommended.

Casa Mission: This restaurant is famous for its cozy atmosphere and delicious Mexican food. It is about 15 minutes from the cenote and offers an authentic culinary experience with fresh ingredients.

El Moro: El Moro is known for its delicious local cuisine and friendly service. This restaurant is a bit further away, about a 20 minute drive, but well worth the visit.

Schedules and Rates

Hours: Cenote Aerolito de Paraíso is generally open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily. It is advisable to arrive early to enjoy the tranquility and avoid the crowds.

Rates: Entrance to the cenote usually costs around $100 MXN for adults and $50 MXN for children. This is an affordable rate considering the beauty and unique experience it offers.

Where to Stay?

Hotel Allegro Cozumel is an excellent option to stay during your visit to the Aerolito Cenote in Paraiso. This all-inclusive hotel offers a wide variety of services and amenities that will make your stay an unforgettable experience.

Facilities and Services: Allegro Cozumel offers first class facilities, including swimming pools, restaurants, bars and access to one of the best beaches in Cozumel. Ideal for a vacation of relaxation and fun.

Location: The hotel is located on San Francisco Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. It is the perfect place to enjoy the Caribbean Sea and water activities such as snorkeling and scuba diving.

Why Choose Allegro Cozumel

Staying at Allegro Cozumel guarantees an experience of luxury and comfort. Its facilities, privileged location and excellent service make it the best choice for an unforgettable vacation.

For more information and reservations visit:

Visiting the Aerolito de Paraíso Cenote is a unique experience that combines adventure, natural beauty and tranquility. Planning your trip in advance, including where to stay and what activities to do, will ensure you have an unforgettable visit. Hotel Allegro Cozumel is an excellent choice for your lodging, offering comfort and a wide range of services that will perfectly complement your trip to this wonderful cenote. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Cozumel!