In New Mexico, the eviction process is a legal procedure that landlords must follow to remove a tenant from a rental property. This process is governed by the Uniform Owner Resident Relations Act and includes several specific types of eviction notices that are required to be served to the tenant under different circumstances. Each type of notice has its own set of rules regarding how it can be delivered and the amount of time a tenant has to respond or vacate, making it important for landlords to be familiar with the relevant laws to ensure their actions are within legal bounds.

Understanding the different types of eviction notices can help tenants recognize their rights and the proper procedures a landlord must follow. From notices for non-payment of rent to breaches of the lease terms, every eviction notice serves as a formal communication indicating that the landlord wishes to reclaim their property. The correct use of these notices is crucial because they can significantly impact the timeline and success of the eviction process. In the case of a dispute, both landlords and tenants may have defenses available to them, so knowledge of these notices is integral to navigating the complexities of the eviction process.

Key Takeaways

  • Eviction notices in New Mexico must comply with legal standards outlined in the Uniform Owner Resident Relations Act.

  • Landlords have various notices they can issue to tenants based on the reason for eviction.

  • Both landlords and tenants have potential defenses during the eviction process, emphasizing the importance of understanding the notices and procedures.

Types of Eviction Notices in New Mexico

There are several types of eviction notices in New Mexico that landlords can serve tenants based on the circumstances of the lease violation. Each type of notice has a different period and conditions under which it can be issued.

Three-Day Notice for Nonpayment of Rent or Illegal Activity

Landlords have the right to issue a Three-Day Notice when a tenant fails to pay rent on time or engages in illegal activities on the premises. This notice informs tenants that they have three days to pay the rent in full or cease illegal activity. Failure to comply with the Three-Day Notice can lead to further legal action and potential eviction.

Seven-Day Notice for Rental Agreement Violations

For violations of the rental agreement that don’t involve nonpayment of rent or illegal activity, landlords may serve a Seven-Day Notice to Comply. This gives tenants seven days to correct a curable lease violation. Examples include unauthorized pets, noise complaints, or material health or safety violations. If the tenant fails to remedy the lease violation within seven days, the landlord can move forward with the eviction process.

30-Day Notice for Termination of Month-to-Month Tenancy

When either party decides to terminate a month-to-month rental agreement, New Mexico law requires a 30-Day Written Notice. This notice must be given at least 30 days before the end of lease term. It’s not necessary for the landlord to provide a reason when terminating a month-to-month tenancy, as long as the notice timeframe is respected. However, if tenants remain on the property past the notice period, landlords can then initiate eviction proceedings.

Eviction Process and Tenant Defenses

In New Mexico, the eviction process is a legal procedure governed by specific statutes, and tenants have several defenses available to contest an eviction.

Filing an Eviction Lawsuit

The eviction process begins when a landlord files a Summons and Complaint in the appropriate Magistrate or District Court. The landlord must have legal grounds for eviction, such as non-payment of rent or violation of lease terms. Filing fees are usually required to initiate the lawsuit.

Court Hearing and Judgment

After an eviction lawsuit is filed, the court will schedule an Eviction Hearing or trial. Both the landlord and the tenant have the opportunity to present evidence and arguments. If the court rules in favor of the landlord, a Judgment is issued which may include rent owed and possible Attorney fees.

Issuing the Writ of Restitution

If the landlord wins the case, the court will issue a Writ of Restitution. The Sheriff then has the authority to remove the tenant’s Personal Property from the premises if the tenant has not voluntarily moved out after a given period.

Options for Tenants

Tenants can assert various defenses against eviction, such as improper notice or the landlord’s failure to maintain the rental property. Furthermore, Self-Help Evictions, like changing locks or shutting off utilities, are illegal and tenants may pursue legal action for damages in such cases. Rent payment history and compliance with lease terms can also be powerful defenses in an eviction suit.

In summary, the eviction process in New Mexico is a formal set of actions that require compliance with state laws, and tenants account for various defenses to contest evictions.


New Mexico’s eviction notices serve as a structured approach to address lease violations and the termination of tenancies. Landlords must adhere to the specific types of notices that are predicated upon the circumstances of the eviction. Tenants should understand their rights and the legal process associated with each notice type. Compliance with the Uniform Owner Resident Relations Act is fundamental for the protection of all parties involved in the rental agreement.