Buying a new car can be stressful yet exciting at the same time. Moving around from dealership to dealership, researching brands of vehicles, and calling friends for advice are just a few of the things most people do when planning to buy a new car.

Some people, however, end up making choices that are not too smart. This is usually so because they don’t know the exact questions to ask car dealers before going ahead with the purchase of the car.

Car dealers in Rochester are actually of a different breed among car dealers. So, you have to know the questions to ask them and have an informed mind on the type of answer to expect of an ideal car choice. To help you out, here are a few questions to ask a Rochester car dealership:

  1. What Four-wheel Drive Cars Do You Recommend?

Generally, four-wheel drives fit into every environment. They are, therefore, a recommended car of choice. So, ask your car dealership if it is a four-wheel-drive that fits the purpose of your need.

Four-wheel drive gives you a safe feeling when driving them in extreme climates. They are the safest option for snow seasons and cold climates.

The good news is that most cars nowadays are four-wheel drive, but insist on it with your dealer to be sure.

  1. Does the Car Require a High-level of Maintenance?

It should go without saying, but how well you can maintain a car will determine the durability of the vehicle.

So, you need to ask your dealership about how easy it will be to maintain the vehicle you want to buy. It is advisable not to get a car you will find difficult to maintain.

Also, ask your dealer about the car engine so you’d know the best way to maintain it. Alternatively, you can do your research by reaching out to people who have been using that type of car either online or offline. Take note that people’s experience is a treasure when it comes to car maintenance.

  1. How’s the Delivery Process?

Most people overlook this part, not knowing they are meant to ask their dealership this question. Ask your dealer what are the delivery options, and how much would they cost?

You may get blindsided by delivery fees if you don’t enquire upfront. Therefore, it is essential to know if your dealer can deliver the car to your doorstep, especially if your house is around the area where you are getting the car.

However, for people in Rochester and its environs, you may not need to worry about delivery problems, if you visit here.

  1. Do You Provide a Car Warranty?

The car you want to buy should have a warranty. However, you will need to ask your dealer about the exact details of the warranty.

Some of the things you need to ask include the type and implications of the warranty, what you would benefit from the warranty, how long does it last. Otherwise, you may have to spend so much on repairs when you don’t have to.

Several brands and manufacturers have several warranty options, ranging from changing of bumper to full engine refurbishing. Therefore, you must understand the type of warranty that is coming in your car of choice before sealing the deal.

  1. What Are the Payment Options?

The good news is it is not necessary to have all the money required to buy the car available before meeting a dealership. Most car dealerships have flexible payment car options for purchasing cars.

You must ask your dealer for the available options so as not to put yourself under unnecessary financial pressure. Any car dealer that gives you a problematic payment option is not ideal for you.

  1. Do You Allow Test Driving?

Test driving is a brilliant thing to do when buying a new car. Ask your dealer to allow you to drive the vehicle you are about to pay to have a feel of the car first.

You shouldn’t pay for a car you haven’t test-driven. You may end up not liking the car after the test drive. So, as much as possible, do a test drive. If you do not know how to drive, go with someone who can drive.

TIP: Know Your Purpose of Purchase

Don’t buy a car just because of its brand name. The brand name is what most dealers market cars on unsuspecting clients since they buy the brand without checking other essential factors.

The reason for wanting to buy a car will determine the brand and specifications of the vehicle to choose from among varying options.

Good looks are a great thing, but a car that fits with your needs is a wiser choice. So, instead of asking for brand names, ask for cars that fit into the range of your needs.


Buying a car is an exhilarating experience, but the thrill of it can only last when you end up buying the best fit from informed answers. Fortunately, your dealer can provide all the answers you need to make the best choice. So, before purchasing that vehicle, make sure to go through these points again to note the things you must ask your dealer.